Workers’ compensation insurance in New York is a big deal for both workers and employers who provide the insurance. It’s important for employers to provide a safe workplace for New Yorkers to work in, and the State Workers Compensation Board encourages just that. It also protects the rights of employees while reducing liability for the company.
NY worker compensation insurance is a complex legal process. Claims are often denied because of a simple issue or missing paperwork. It is essential that injured employees keep a copy of all records throughout the process, especially if they’re unable to work while they are healing.
There are also some important things for employers to remember about NY worker compensation insurance. Here’s what you need to know.
Post It
When employees are injured on the job, it’s important for them to seek medical care immediately. That said, they probably need to seek treatment at specific facilities for the care to be covered under your NY worker compensation insurance. As a courtesy to employees, it helps to keep this information posted in a public area like the break room.
Post the name, address, and contact information of the specific facility where they should seek treatment under your NY worker compensation insurance. It is your responsibility to help an injured employee seek immediate medical care, and it helps to be prepared.
First Report of Illness or Injury
As an employer with NY worker compensation insurance, you only have 10 days to complete this form and file it with the New York State Workers Compensation Board. Failure to comply with this rule can cause claims to be denied, slow access to care for your injured employee, and result in a hefty fine for noncompliance.
Get this form completed immediately because it must go out by snail mail. The New York State Workers Compensation Board is working to computerize the process so forms may be submitted electronically. However, they must be mailed via the U.S. Postal Service, so there is no time to waste.
Conduct Your Own Investigation
You are required to fill out an accident report anyway, so it is crucial that you conduct your own investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident. Your New York worker compensation insurance company will thank you for it.
Hang on to any relevant security footage regarding the accident, and collect witness statements and photographic evidence if necessary. Not only do you need to complete your accident report, but you want to find out why the accident occurred so you can prevent similar accidents and injuries in the future.
NY Worker Compensation Insurance
The NY worker compensation insurance claims process can be complex, and as an employer, you want to ensure you comply at all times. Post the specific facility information in a public place and be ready to help ensure injured workers get the immediate medical care they need after an accident at work. Remember to submit your First Report of Injury or Illness within 10 days of the accident and be prepared to investigate why the accident happened. As an employer, you want to provide employees with a safe work environment and comply with NY worker compensation insurance laws.
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